Welcome to the THREE SIXES "Hall of Fame/Wall of Shame". You got somethin' to say? THEN DO IT HERE. Spill your hate, love, puke or whatever in an email. Then send it to threesixes6@hotmail.com and I'll post it. No email addresses will be posted here unless you request that I do and I will only post the address that the email was sent from. At the end of your email, just leave a name and the city you live in. Keep checking back because you never know how many people are going to write or what they'll say. Good or bad, IT WILL BE POSTED!!!!!!  So what the fuck are you waiting for? Read this shit and talk some more of your own, bitch! Out.
-Lord Xerxes.
P.S. if you are having problems with email, check down below.

All new postings for this page can now be made on the THREE SIXES MySPACE PAGE, so sharpen up your crayons and post something, you bitches!

Posted: December 09, 2004

To all Three Sixes friends, fans and family:

I know that most of you already know about the tragic death of "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott from Damageplan / Pantera. In what has to be the most shocking rock death since Cliff Burton or Randy Rhoads, I just wanted to add a little to this already somber moment. If it were not for Pantera's "Vulgar Display Of Power", and Darrell Abbott, I would never have picked up a guitar. This gentle giant possessed such creativity, ambitious fire and individuality that it amazes critics and fans alike he never carried himself as a rock star. I had the extreme pleasure of meeting him and chatting on several occasions, and I, of course, explained how seeing him live on tour in 1991 changed my life forever. How he single-handedly inspired me to pick up, and teach myself, guitar. Thus my love for heavy music was concretely set. I would sit for hours at a time, learning riffs and reading his monthly columns when he was a guest columnist at Guitar World Magazine. I worship the guy. His image, his creative genius, and most importantly, his honestly and loyalty to music. I am still in the state of shock, and I hope you all, Pantera fans or not, will join me in saying goodbye to one of the best. Post on any website you can. Raise hell in that gig in the afterlife, Dime...I'll see you eventually. Much love and respect to you, brother. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please realize that life needs to be lived, every moment, every day. Enjoy it. Don't allow other people to tell you how to live it. It ends too soon to have regrets.

Kill, guitars Three Sixes


Posted: April 17, 2004

As many of you know, the Gross Page on this website was recently shut down by the company that was hosting it. All we received was an email that said this:

"You need to take down the pornographic content...We can't have that stuff up on our network...It violates the contract we have with our ISP, and we could get in trouble...If you need to have the videos up I'm sure there are places you can find that don't have the same kind of contract we do."

This was when we found out that they banned the "Gross Page" here on our site for anyone to view. Apparently even after about 5 years with that webhost, they suddenly decided that we had violated a contract that we knew nothing about. We weren't warned that this was going to happen or given a notice to cease and desist. Our former webhost made it so a password was needed to view the Gross Page and they wouldn't give it to us. When both of our dedicated webmasters, Lord Xerxes and Tim Terror tried the FTP access to get into the site, they were denied. Eventhough we posted the mandatory legal disclaimer on our front page warning any viewer what this site contains and the hosting company had known literally for years what was on this website, suddenly we became offensive. I guess only 10 video clips of people eating shit from someones ass or drinking their vomit isn't offensive but 20-30 more clips is. What's the fucking difference? By the way, if the pornography was a problem, why didn't they block the links page with all of the free porn links? Apparently someone was offended by a particular section of our site and the only word they could think to describe it was "pornographic". Personally, I think the Gross Page is a little more than just pornographic....

All of us in Three Sixes and our webmasters look at this page for what it is- entertainment. It's the ultimate commercial free reality show that you won't see on some lame ass prime-time network. This is the reality and the entertainment that people really want to see and we're not afraid to show it.

To me nothing on this website including the gross page, the uncensored "God Denied" video or even any of the lyrics to our songs are offensive. That is my opinion. It is a freedom of expression and it is the reality of the world that we live in. Whether you like it or not, the shit on the Gross Page is happening all around us right now as you read this. Yeah, it's ok to have your kid watching the 5 o'clock network news that goes into blatant detail of how some priest fucked 50 young boys in the ass or how a guy like Dahmer murdered and ate other human beings or how PUBLIC network TV shoved the whole 911 thing down our throats with the images of death and chaos as well as the videotaped reports of the cruelly tortured and their chambers before Saddam was captured, etc., none of that is considered offensive. None of that is important. But if some band puts something on their website that has what....people eating their own shit, drinking piss or doing whatever, (things that we find amusing) things you can also find on many different websites that have been collected together on one site? FUCK THAT! "We have to shut them down before they pollute the minds of people worldwide because we feel that's offensive". Exactly- YOU FEEL it's offensive.

There are plenty of things that I find offensive that I don't waste my time trying to stop because I have a life and better things to do with my time. Personally, anytime I see the fucking Crystal Cathedral that cost literally millions of dollars to create, that was funded by lies and false guarantees of salvation to blind, "God fearing" people who were convinced that if they didn't support the cause they would go to hell, I'm offended. When I drove by the piece of shit Trinity Broadcasting Network with their thousands of illuminated lights spead everywhere on their property in the middle of an energy crisis while other peoples electricity in their homes were shut off due to rolling blackouts I was offended. When I see some fucking asshole "faith healer" "laying hands" on a terminally ill child overrun with cancer that has no hope of living, being told that suddenly "is saved" to the parents that dumped the thousands of dollars it cost for the opportunity (that they didn't have to begin with) to hear these lies, just to watch their child die soon after is offensive to me. To vote for propositions on a ballot that were passed by a state of people only to have them overturned by the same government who gave us the opportunity to make that decision is offensive to me too. Just like when the voting for a president of this country was decided by THE PEOPLE of America, that decision was also overturned by a small goup (the electoral college) who disagreed with an entire nation and elected the piece of shit we currently have as a president. That's fucking offensive to me. This is the kind of shit that has an actual impact on peoples lives and not enough effort is being spent to stop it, yet there is plenty of time and effort to stop us from posting our form of entertainment on our own website. This is fucking bullshit. When we have people dying for basic freedoms (such as speech) in Iraq, our government feels that it is more important to spend more time preventing another possible 2 second sighting of Janet Jacksons tit during the Super Bowl again, stopping the voices and opinions of people like Howard Stern from being heard and the banning of any kind of "pornography" on some bands fucking Gross Page while our own people are being filled with bullets in another country. If you ask me, that's pretty fucking offensive. In fact in my opinion, that would be the definition of it.

When I see something that offends me, I'll vent my anger through music. I don't waste my time trying to force my opinions and beliefs onto other people. Yes, many people agree with me, but that's because we have a similar mindset. Not because I blew up their house, told them they were going to hell or shot one of their family members to convince them in thinking so. I don't start confrontations with strangers to tell them that my opinion is the right one and I certainly don't waste my fucking time in trying to shut down websites that I don't agree with. I vent, I mind my own business, I walk away, I move on and I don't look back. I change the fucking channel and watch something else. If I did do any of those other things mentioned previously, I would be no better than the idiots I despise.

If people are so offended by our Gross Page, why do they keep looking at it? Why do they spend so much time trying to stop it? Who are they to decide what in the fuck is ok for ANYONE to see? Who put them in charge? Why is their opinion more important than ours? Because we're not offended by what we're choosing to watch and we are enjoying what we're seeing. Why should we have to stop watching it because THEY don't like it? Why don't THEY just change the fucking channel? If your excuse is because you're afraid of what your children might see, why don't YOU pay more attention to what they're looking at and do something about it with them? Why don't you deal with the problem at it's immediate source? Why don't YOU take responsibility for the lives that YOU decided to bring onto this planet? Why should we be responsible for the lack of time YOU have for taking care of and parenting your own kids? Why don't YOU worry about your own fucking problems and leave us alone? We don't bother you. You are the people who are bothering us. YOU typed in this web address and YOU CAME HERE. We didn't invite or force you to come here and look around. You were warned of the content before you entered. Wouldn't it be easier just to spend your time and energy with the kids YOU decided to have instead of trying to fight every fucking band, radio station or any other groups of people simply because YOU disagree with what THEY THINK? If you are so proud of your beliefs that are so righteous, so good and noble, so fucking proper and correct, why don't you tell us who you are, or the name of the organization that you represent? Why won't you show your face? Because I have news for you, motherfucker: We're in public all of the fucking time. People know who we are. We post all of our shows on our website. Everyone knows where and when we will be next. We're not afraid to show our faces or tell people what we stand for and we back that claim by playing live and talking with people after the shows. We're proud of what we do and think. Unlike the spineless cowards you are, we show ourselves and we are out there for people to see.

It's rare that I would even mention any of this on any platform. But when some fucking group of people tells me what we can and can't show on our own website and our basic right to freedom of speech and expression is taken away in supposedly the country with the most freedom in the world while other people are allowed to express their opinions that I don't agree with, it pisses me the fuck off as it has many other people. If we are all created equal in this country and you have the right to express your opinion, we should have the equal right to express ours. Even if it differs from yours. We don't try to stop anyone else from doing it, so why do you try to stop us? Are you afraid of something? If you are so afraid and you are that insecure, why don't you take a good hard look in the mirror where all of YOUR fucking problems are coming from? We don't give a shit what you think, why do you give a fuck about what we do?

After all of this, one might ask: "What's the big deal? It's just a webpage". No man, it's way more than that. Unless you haven't caught on yet Einstein, if this gets censored, our music will be next. Once that is crushed, the next band and/or website will be moved onto as the cycle continues, grows and when they're done there, the censorship will spill into all kinds of other venues that will have an even larger impact on all of us. Do something about it. Go here and voice your opinion. Sign the petiton now and support your freedom of speech:

Because of all this attention our freak nausea expert, Zaaaaaah has been on a mission to add further to the creation and promotion of what we feel is entertainment by flooding us with even more filth for all of your depraved eyes to view. It will be posted soon. He has dedicated this latest offering of new debauchery to anyone who has tried to stop us from posting it.

And for anyone else who wants to try to pull this shit on us again all I have to say to you is this: Go fuck yourself asshole. All you've done is add fuel to the fire.
Damien LaVey
Three Sixes


Posted: April 17, 2004

i think its funny that the gross page was banned and people think that people who like what you do r evil and the people who are trying to stop you live in evil. the prseident is tryin to stop stern and people are trying to stop you and all of the imporatnt people tryin to stop it live in the bottom of the biggest pentagram in our country. look at these pictures. how can those people say we live in sin when the city that runss this country is at the bottom of the pentagram. there the ones who r evil and someone should stop them not you.

jt from hb
(Click to enlarge pics)


Posted: February 9, 2004

Hey Guys,
Just wanted to say once again that your last show fucking kicked ass and it was great to finally get to hang out with you again....i always miss you guys! I will be attending the next show at the gig (again) and bringing more people for you to corrupt and disturb!! I can't wait. Bring me a long sleeve shirt too....i will be wanting that for sure with how fucking cold it was there last time!!!

And this is for that chick Leshell that posted a message for killswitch this month....LESHELL!! These guys may be a lot of things but liars they are NOT (especially when it comes to their genitalia OR sexual exploits). You've heard so much about his big dick you say...BUT...have you seen that mans TOUNGE??
He can please ya both coming and going!!



Posted: January 6, 2004


If I go to see you on your next show, will you prove to me that the rumours of your dick size are true? There's no way a white boy can be that big. I want to see it and I'll make you glad that you did.

Leshell, Northridge, Ca.


Well, well, well, I thought I'd seen it all up until now. Just when I thought I'd seen all the meaningless crap I could possibly see on the internet, I found Threesixes.com. All I can say is thanks,,, thanks for ruining the whole "digital experience" for me. Where in the fuck do you guys come up with this shit? I mean, who in their right( heterosexual) mind would put as much effort into a website like you guys. I mean girls, Uh...I mean HOMO'S! And I use the term homo lightly. I think you should be called "SALAD TOSSING HOMO POLE PIRATES".Yeah,, that's more like it. I mean only a dimented freak,(or freaks) could fathom such flamingly homosexual content, and post it on the net. You would have to have your face buried in some hairy ass crack all day to come up with your "shit".(pardon the pun). My advice to all of you rim-job rangers is this, try some mouthwash! I'm sure all the 'tossing " you do leaves your breath in a less than pleasant state. Try the amatuer gay porn industry, it should be a little more, for lack of a better term,, "up your alley". That's all.



Posted: December 21, 2003

Hey I guess it is time once again for one if my quotes, as I have dropped the ball and let you all down for the past 2 months. I do apologize if you have been waiting to see what the next quote will be so here goes. I hope that this is one that makes you think. As for myself, I have always felt that ones perception of others and their beliefs is just that ONES opinion, be it "white" or ''black''.

Take care of yourselves during the most miserable time of the year, it will all be over soon.



Posted: December 6, 2003

A message from KILLSWITCH:
What's up, everyone? Ok...regarding this upcoming show on Friday, December 26th at the GIG @ MELROSE in Hollywood. Get your tickets now! We have them for $7 (instead of $10 at the door), and from what Pitch Blaack is saying, it is going to sell out fast. Their guitarist, D-Rocc, (of BODY COUNT) said that last time they played this venue, they drew close to capacity (188) and Fire Marshal Bill was called in. Dude, I so wanna top that...I am sure you folks want to be a part of something big, right??? We will be GIVING away an autographed guitar and might be doing a live recording that night...so Fuck X-Mas....c'mon out and let's get busy! Get a hold of us for advance tickets, via e-mail at threesixes@threesixes.com Y'all know how to get a hold of us...

Thanks as always, and see y'all soon!



Posted: November 9, 2003

You REALLY need to find Jesus. He is your only hope; if you ever want to "really" play guitar. Satan's 0r (your) music is nothing but a bunch of "sissyfied/lame" power chords that any child (1-3 yrs. of age) could learn to play in a matter of 3 minutes even if he only had (2) fingers!

Well "Arick",
I guess I could honestly respond to this email, but since I am not known as "Satan", what purpose would it serve? How did you know I played with two fingers??? Oh wait, because you can hear the power chords, right? Should have known...sorry to disappoint you with my playing. I guess tuning the low string down to match a perfect 5th does not make sense, because it would allow my diminished 9ths to sound a bit more dynamic then with standard tuning. By the way, don't bother quoting something so damn long next time...I have a very short attention span, and....I'm spent!


hello i'm one of your fans, and i just wanted to say that you guys fuckin kick ass big time. i got your salvationless cd from killswitch, i bought his randall cab off of him and he gave me a cd of your guys and i couldn't stop playin it after i got it. well i just wanted to say you guys kick ass and keep up the good work. later


Posted: September 29, 2003

Just wanted to blow some smoke everyones way about the show at the galaxy theater with of course, the infamous "Three Sixes" and Strapping Young Lad.... if you missed it your probably some fuckin shitty asss cowboy fan watchin monday night football!!!!!!! First of all you guys in Three Sixes sounded great and looked fuckin great (except for when Killswitches foot long meat pole was hangin out of the pantleg of his jumpsuit.....everyone knows your the stud in the stable..stop showin it off!!!!!!!!) Hey and Al's duo with Vincent Price from Body Count was the fuckin shit!!!! I hope it was a teaser and we will soon see all of the Body Count members in the line-up. Hats off to the Three Sixes drummer who himself that night was goin off with the beats..I cant wait to hear some of your guys new shit with that drummer...he makes the last drummer you had sound like a muffler with a hole in it.

Long live Damien!!! You were the shit...Bring back "Possesion" Pleeeaaaaasssssseeeee!!!!!!!!! I had to come home and play it three times to be satisfied since it wasnt on the set that night!!!!! OOhhh shit its 4:19, that means I only have a minute...gotta go, you guys fuckin rock!!! Hang out with your wang out.....except Killswitch, you could poke someones eye out fucker!!!!!

Stoney Stoned


hey d,
great show at the galaxy, you guys were incredible. i thought you were trying to be funny when we met and you said that christianity was more dangerous than crack and hitler was a christian. you're right he was a chrisitian. post this link on your your site for those bible thumpers who like to harasss you http://www.stardestroyer.net/Creationism/Essays/Hitler.shtml and sign me up on the emailing list. see you at the next show. your new deciple,
bill, huntington beach, ca


OK Dawn....let me respond:

"Todd-Don't know ya, don't wanna know ya."
Mutual agreements are GOOD!

"But you sure are a real dumb fuck."
If I want a date with you, I'll call you.

"Once a friend and now ousted. NONE of Damien's real friends are afraid he will stab them in the back."
Now you're choosing Damien's friends. NICE! I'm sure he appreciates it.

"Sounds like you got something coming to ya and got it were it hurts, the truth is a bitch."
Having your children ridiculed sounds like a weak way of giving ME something. They could just come to ME, don't ya think?

"But since you are so concerned about "our necks" mine is doing just fine thank you. You really should be over it."
You have a neck? Great. I'm not concerned about it. I'd rather be over it than under it (At least that's the rumor).

"Whatever freak-just cause Damien doesn't want you or your friendship, you go and pout and talk some shit, suck a dick and be off with yourself."
Once again talking for Damien. If Damien doesn't want my friendship, I'm sure he'll let me know by leaving your beheadead corpse on my front lawn. His fans will do ANYTHING to satisfy him, so I will expect you to be ready to serve when he calls. Eat lots of chili the day before. The nitrogen content in your bowels will make great fertilizer for my lawn.

For those following the drama...I found out who Gil was and quite frankly, knowing who it is now is a relief. He's a guy I've known for many years and is a pretty cool guy to boot. I haven't spoke to him in a while, but I know he was joking. No problem. If he really feels that way, I'd be surprised.

I think anyone with an ounce of respect for their family would have reacted the same way I did. I don't take back a damn thing I've said, especially the part about being a supporter of Three Sixes and not having to question the friendship of Damien and Alester WHICH DAWN OBVIOUSLY IGNORED.

You're a bitch Dawn, but at least you support Three Sixes.

Todd (Using my name so I can have balls like Dawn)


Posted: September 1, 2003

hey guys heard you C.D. and I think it totally rocks....you guys have what it takes to go all the way...the concept of your band is great and you guys look totally cool...the fuckin music goes off and is hella cool..the only thing that needs to be changed is the singer...his voice sucks and has no concept of how to rap...he sounds like a white person making fun of rap...thats how bad he sounds but I dont want to piss anyone off so I'll just say if that dude gets some singing lessons and takes his part in your band a little more serious than you guys might have a chance to make it...if not than you guys are just wasting your time...DONT WASTE YOUR TIME.



Thanks a lot. I'm glad you liked the disc. I have to agree with you 100 percent. I too think that the music, image and everything else is killer and that we do have what it takes to go all the way. The thing I agree with on the most is our singer. You're RIGHT! He really does suck, pretty badly. I especially hate the fact that he doesn't sound like every other moron out there who's trying to sound exactly like someone else. The fact alone that he has his own sound and could care less about what anyone else thinks is reason enough to kick him out of the band. In fact, just because you said it, I'm gonna kick me out of my own band as soon as possible so I don't waste any more of my time. Good call, thanks for the advice.

Damien, voice,
Three Sixes


Hey Damien, whats up man? I see some fucking idiots who want to talk some shit. So lets talk some shit...

Todd-Don't know ya, don't wanna know ya. But you sure are a real dumb fuck. Once a friend and now ousted. NONE of Damien's real friends are afraid he will stab them in the back. Sounds like you got something coming to ya and got it were it hurts, the truth is a bitch. But since you are so concerned about "our necks" mine is doing just fine thank you. You really should be over it. Whatever freak-just cause Damien doesn't want you or your friendship, you go and pout and talk some shit, suck a dick and be off with yourself.


Anonomous is spelled like this: A N O N Y M O U S

If you wanna remain A N O N Y M O U S why talk shit? At least have some balls and say that shit with your name attached instead of being a coward about it, bitch. You say that "Three Sixes" were a bunch of kids that felt left out and that they are "Faggot Nerds", is this you projecting your real feeling of self doubt and shame onto others? Did ya like sucking dick a little too much? I think so, you also mention "Baby Bitch Barbie Hats" is this something that you know of personally, so you actually wear them and are projecting yet again, last I checked the only "Faggot Nerd" is you posting and are to afraid of the results. If your gonna call someone a Bitch perhaps you should be man( or in your case) Queer enough to back up what you shit out of your mouth. Cocksucker, you really want Damien's and the others cock so bad and can't have it. Is this what it is all about, your manhood....oppps I mean Queerhood. Be a bitch and say it with some balls...or did your Mama cut those off when you reached puberty. Faggot Nerd, thats all you can come up with? You also say he wants it "Prison Style" is this were you learned the art of using your mouth and ass as a "Cumvelope" you speak with experience.

These people are boring. You don't have any "religious zealots" email you some stupid shit to talk about?

Anyway, I hear you really are busy with the new material. Good Luck to you. May you my "Dark Lord" have some fun with this shit. Tell Killswitch whats up! See ya around!

I'll talk to ya soon, so take care and be bad!



Posted: July 21, 2003

Hey whats up Damien,

I just wanted to thank you for your kick fucking ass show and participation in the first annual GATES FEST. You guys were great and were responsible for a big part of the draw and overall success.

Take care and I look forward to playing some more shows with you guys.

Paul, Bass


That day I went to the cemetery to dig up that guy that was buried back in 1999 that I told you about, man he smelled bad and I mean bad, he was all slimy and when we went to lift him out of the casket to place him in another container his head snapped off and broke in 3 pieces, I had to collect his skull and place it between his legs so it wouldn't roll around during his flight back to Texas. It was pretty cool, but man did he smell. Our van still stinks like him. Well that's all see you later.

San Diego, Ca.


Well, Well, Well-

It seems that some joker with the fake name 'Gil De Raye' about a year ago, decided to poster up a story about an old birthday party of mine on this little piece of the ThreeSixes Website. The 'Fresh Dirt' version (Which was hilarious) wasn't good enough to get him off, so he/she decided to make up a more 'satisfying' one for himself. Hope it worked. Too bad you had to include the vision of my kids in your wet dream.

I could have went along with your little fantasy and laughed it off as some jealous wannabe who couldn't get the nad up to come out of the closet or actually DO something with their life. It was all just a matter of your insignificant opinion, until you had to drag my family into it. Do you think taking cheap shots at my family makes you cool? Does it make you EVIL? Does it make you...a minion?

It makes you the person that nobody wants to ever know because you could eventually say the same thing about them if they don't fit your judgemental view of what people should be. I fear for all the people in this world who associate with you and the neckpain they suffer every day from all the headturning they do to check if your knife is planted squarely in their back.

I've known Damien and Aleister for over 10 years now and have NEVER had to question their friendship. Although I've dropped out of the so-called 'Public Eye' for a different life, I've been a solid supporter of ThreeSixes, dropping their name in many places I used to roam and do business, just to get their name out there when I didn't have to. I want to see their success which I know will come in due time. Sounds like all you want to do is be a dick.

Whether I pissed you off one day, made you jealous, or what the fuck ever brought this on, I would have respected it if you would have left my family out of it. The only solace I have is the fact that I have a great life with even better friends that show me the kind of person I am. If I had to rely on bitter idiots with fake names like yourself for comfort, I'd be as sad as you are. I can only hope to see a video of your death on this website as the realization of your need for attention and stardom. Good luck with that. If you need help, just ask.

Now if you couldn't understand all that, let me give you the redneck version: "Dude...that was like 8 years ago dude....dude, somebody already told the story man.....God dude.....get a life man....(pretend to inhale)(choke)(cough)."

BTW- you mention the apartment with the low refrigerator. The party took place at a two-story house in Placentia I was living in. Not good to mix your own living arrangements into a fantasy about someone else, that is unless your wishing they were there with you uhhhhh "BITCH BOY". I sense a whole lotta transferrence here (Look it up, I know it's a big word for you champ.)

Rot, Fester, and Decompose-
Todd Rubberneck
Corona, Ca.


hey hooker-

anytime jew-wanna goathead and use anything from our interview, goathead... i'm sure you knew that already...

anyway, dig the bodybag of goodies. just picked it up from john. we made a trip down hell-aye and had a kind of bad time and i puked on a white carpet and all
over... showing off as usual- emptying a gut full of chili peppers... it almost looked like i had planned it...

may be moving to woodside above sacto if i can wringle this guy into hiring me for his apprentice embalmer position... more money means a better bleeding heart... also, did i ever send you a copy of the fashionably late comp with you guys on it? i hope so, cause' i don't have any more...

anyhow, went to a bar with my suit on and i think the bartender was trying to get some skanky hooker into my pocketbook... driving home with a liver-ful of cheap vodka is also an adventure... trying to avoid cops gets me lost in my own neighborhood... so, there is nothing- in all its glory-hole.

as ever-

C.D. Wofford
Editor, Bleeding Hearts Magazine
San Fransisco, Ca.


hackstitch are a bunch of lil bitches.they talk shit and cant back it up.they wanna be diffrent and draw a crowd by talkin shit about the bible wene they know deep down there just a bunch of FAGGOT NERDS who have felt left out wene they was kids.OH yea that lil bitch Chris weres baby bitch barbie hats like a fuckin BITCH.i think mabey hes just waitin to get it prison style.get a fuckin life and learn how to write some real songs instead of whinin about sumthin u claim to hate,you fruits!



CRUEL AND MERCILESS CREATOR! You made all of the people of the world in Your own image with "Killer Instinct" and placed before us the pathway of "Snatching, Looting and Killing" through different Teachers who claimed to have been "Your Representatives". Your contradictory teachings have successfully resulted in creating divisions, hatreds and bloodshed in the world community and we start snatching and hitting from our very childhood. Millions of innocent men, women and children have so far been brutally killed by the militants of several religions who have been committing horrifying crimes against humanity and millions more would be butchered by them in the future, if You do not help us by removing the "Human Instinct" of Snatching, Looting and Killing and also change our ways to live peacefully.

Moreover, the earth is constantly shaken with massive earthquakes. Its shores are lashed with hurricanes; tornadoes rip through creation with incredible fury; devastating floods soak the land; and terrible droughts parch the soil. Sharks, tigers, lions, snakes, spiders and disease carrying mosquitoes attack humanity and suck its life's blood. The earth's inhabitants are inflicted with disease, pain, suffering and death. Many people are plagued with cancer, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, emphysema, Parkinson's, and a number of other debilitating illnesses. The children with leukemia, or people are born with crippling diseases or without the mental capability to even feed themselves. The whole face of the earth is nothing but ugly sores of suffering, death and destruction through natural calamities, hunger and diseases. Everywhere we look we see unspeakable pain. All these things convince our minds that something is radically wrong with the CREATOR.


IN THE NAME OF CREATOR, THE CRUEL & MERCILESS! We are not "Evil Creation", now please stop playing these games with us and once look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the controversial teachings of arrogance, divisions and hatreds which have badly infected our hearts; break down the walls (YOU HAVE BUILT) that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish Our purposes on earth; that, in Our good time, all nations and races could jointly remember YOU as "COMPASSIONATE AND MERCIFUL". (Amen)

"May Creator, the Divine Source of All that is! inhabit and awaken the whole human family to be as ONE in Peace and Harmony by removing all our sufferings and "Killer Instinct". (Amen)

An Innocent Victim & Protestor


Posted: May 16, 2003

Hey Damien,
Whats up, I just want to let you know I cant wait until the next show. The band kicks ass and you are even better live. I love this band so much Im flying home from Tennessee just for the night to see the show, then Im flying back to Tennessee the next morning. Just goes to show how kick ass this band is, and no matter what I will always be at every show they play. I would suggest to any one anywhere if they want to see a great show they should come to a three sixes show cause its the best they will ever see. So I will see you at the show. Take care


       What's up with all this retarded bull shit about people being pissed off by the hot naked sluts and the "offensive" lyrics of your songs? Is there not a HUGE disclaimer on the very first page of your website that says "The site you are about to enter contains nudity and extremely hardcore subject matter. If these subjects offend you, please click the 'leave' link below to be sent to a place where you belong." ??? Interesting indeed. Tell those fucks to learn how to read and not to enter domains that clearly were not meant for them. That aside.... here is your naughty letter. I agree with Mr. Stoney Stoned from Anaheim, CA .... you should DEFINITELY not be denying your manhood. The cardboard cut out of you naked that I have chained to my shower wall makes me cum harder than any REAL man could (3 Dimentional cardboard cut out, might I add mmmmm) so imagining what it must be like in real life drives me absolutely insane. I'm going to give you a very valuable piece of advice.... Ditch the pre pubescent, 15 year old groupie sluts from California that learned how to give head by licking a limp banana peel and asking their own brothers for pointers. Come to South Florida and get fucked by a REAL musician.
~~Amber The Keyboard Goddess*~~


Look to GOD in this time!!!! Not happy with your life? Missing a loved one? Not feeling well? Depressed? Lost hope? GOD Can Handle It Change Your Life Now!!

"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation".

GOD Will be with you in time of trouble. But you must prepare yourself to receive his Grace. It will take some effort on your part. are you willing? I will help you Start before its to late.

~GOD's Messenger

Would you like to talk to GOD's messenger today?
Don't keep GOD waiting.
Not happy with your life? Missing a loved one? Not feeling well? Depressed? Lost hope? We are here to help you.
But You Must Be OBEDIENT to GOD.
You have to ask. And then, you have to listen. Can you do that? And when GOD answers you. You have to give him the credit. Not yourself but Him. You must tell your friends and family Shout it from the roof tops.
He said "What you do for others He will do for you"
This will please GOD. And you will be blessed. Do you believe? What are you waiting for? This is your wake up call.
GOD is waiting for you right now!!
Do You Need Prayer Today? It doesn't Cost anything. The Messenger is waiting to Pray a special Prayer just for you.
Would you like to speak to GOD's Messenger Right NOW?
Do you have MSN Messenger? Just add themessenger@axcessdata.com Don't have it? Click here to download MSN Messenger

GOD Bless You


Got your stickers today...thanks a lot. Most of them are gone already!! Also i downloaded and burned your new video on DVD....one word.....AWESOME!! Loved the parts where the guy got quarter-horsed and the guy blew his brains out!! Gotta love that shit! Everyone i have showed agrees. We went out an stuck some of your stickers on unsuspecting peoples cars today....i am sure they will appreciate it!! Love you and hope to see you soon. yours always Jasi, Coachella Valley, CA


To our dark Lord- Damien,
It is me, Rev. Bruno Bitchslap of the Minnesota branch of the church of Three Sixes. I know it has been some time since my last posting, but there has been some trouble up in the northern frontier. It seems that a lady calling herself Larry's mom sought me out and wanted a piece of my ass. To make a long story short, we came to a mutual agreement that Larry will keep the cd and she will not call again or write again. But after a short stint....umm vacation I mean...I am back to lead the blessed back to the ways of the apocalypse. But any ways, back to the reason I wrote. I have come to find out that you have written the second chapter of the book of Three Sixes -Salvationless- and have finally gotten some robes. These I must have, for the flock is yearning for something new from our Dark Master and the rest of the Four Horsemen. We await your next command. We know you will not let us down

Not since the Rev. Jim Jones has the world seen a man or a flock so determined to crush the world. But Jones was mortal and preaching the profane instead of the divine word you speak. We shall dominate. Cleanse this world for those who deserve. The meek shall inherit the earth.

But anyway, the hour growith late and the candle runnith low. So I guess I shall close now, for dawn is just about upon us.

Praise the true name of the four horsemen


And bow to the man on the lead horse, our dark master



Your faithful follower and minister at large,
The Good Reverend,
Bruno Bitchslap

So it was written, and so it shall be done...666


Posted: April 1, 2003

hey d,

just wanted to say that the show was cool at 14 below, but could have been better if we had had a decent sound guy who gave a fuck.....but oh well.....would like to say that pat kicks ass as a replacement.....its still hard to believe that he had less than a week and only three practices.....pat kicks ass.....and if u would, pass along to pat that i would sling his gear anytime he played with us......ur ever faithfull servant......headbang


Posted: March 13, 2003

You guys are pro and class. There's ALWAYS room for THREE SIXES here.

Booking, Viper Room


Posted: March 08, 2003

Not to start this note off bluntly (pun intended) but I need to comment about a note that Killswitch dropped about denying his manhood.  I'm not a swash buckling man whore, but right after their performance at the Knitting Factory, and Killswitches thwarting of a mob of hot Asian teens (as seen in the pics) I ran into him in the bathroom......to make a long story short, he unrolled this leathery aparatice, which I believed to be a belt.  But come to find out he was struggling to take a piss!  The monstrosity of this Anaconda looking slab of man meat was so unexplainably big I was just left in awe.  That's coming from a very heterosexual male.  Killswitch, "You should be proud of yourself"  I know I am proud of you.  Just to think you lug around that extra 50 pounds of flesh in your dirty drawers.  It's just
amazing!  I believe you have a run for the renaming of the John Holmes award.

                                       Stoney Stoned, Anaheim, Ca.

Killswitch, Can you pole vault with that thing?


thats right... the good reverend has commeth again... and now the world shall crumble....for good this time...so hows it going,  not bad here... just got the internet back again and thought id hit you up and see whats up... like the site... you got alot of shit on there now.. ive only got about a third of the way through it but im gonna keep pecking at it... espicially like that pic with that chick blasting water out her slophole.. thats talent if i do say so... damn so how much did you lose on the supper bowl ... luckly i did not bet or i would have lost my ass... shame about those raiders though.. pittifull... but any way stick me on your contact list again ... dont know how long im gonna have the internet.. its one of my girlfreinds friend boyfreinds dialup connection.,.. he gave it to us and said we could use it cause he was not so im gonna use it till its gone. but anyway i guess ive bugged you enough... guess ill check my horrid spelling and atempt to correct it.. but i guess later for now bro.. but anyway the appocalypse awaits and i must complete it.. talk to you later
                             the good reverend
                              bruno bitchslap
                              minneapolis, mn


Posted: February 02, 2003

Killswitch; my hot-sexy-hung like a mandingo-love god:

Why, why do you play down the size of your penis?  And a beautiful penis it is!! To all the girls it is big and beautiful!  Why do you not take credit where it is do?  I have seen the beauty and it'll be a hard one to ever compare to, pardon the pun!  But your tongue and your hands are still too much.  You are hung beautifully and I would be un-just to not comment on your prowess in bed.  To all the girls again, my goodness, just remembering him is too much I must shower and clean up, where is the vibrator when you need one?

See, I met Killswitch at an "after party" not that long ago and he and I got to talking about his legendary penis size.  He was baffled that I believed it and I asked him to show me.  So he did, after some stroking of his ego, pardon the pun.  Let's just say he "arose" to the occasion and I have never been the same since.  They say once you go black you never go back....how about once you go Killswitch you never go back?  When I say he is hung like a Mandingo-Love God I meant every word. My Lord, my typing is slowing done and my thoughts are scattered.  I must you spell check after this one.  Killswitch, do you know I made and altar to your penis in my room where I pray to hold it again and again?

Your faithful servant, my Hung-Like-A-Mandingo-Love-God:
The Name is Betty
My location after meeting Killswitch: A Little South of Heaven, Orange


this has to be the most jam packed site i have ever seen. this thing is awesome, i could spend hours on here checkin shit out. how do you get all that stuff to transfer? i cant seem to get my own bands simple site to come up clean. i have a very basic computer, yet yours comes up killer everytime. but thats my problem.

im writting in regards to my old friend Killswitch. i see hes ok as of the cd release party pictures, im so glad he ditched texas and came back. he loves this band, he doesnt know how to shut the fuck up about it. i hope hes finally learned his leason.

anyways, i havent heard from him in a while. would you kindly smack his thick pretty head for me and have him drop me a line. tell him sean in vegas is spreading nasty getto fem secrets about him and a guy named carl and he should aughta fix this little problem. so mote it be.

thanks, sean, las vegas


Posted: December 29, 2002

Hey D and boys,
 I am so glad you guys are playing again....i thought i was gonna have to wait till next year and shit!!!  Glad you are playing closer this time.  You know i will be there most definately with my followers which are to become your evil minions.  Can't wait for the show!  See you saturday and hope to have even better of a good time..*wink*!!!  YOU ROCK!!!  Always yours,  Jasi


Hey Aunt Sandi:

Hey Damien it's me agian.  Been outta commision for a few months some serious life shit going on.  Anyway on with my rant.  By the way Killswitch, your still hot as fuck and I don't even like blondes but your hands..............Too bad I am taken but I can still think...

Too bad you can't see what I am doing right know as I clean up this piss and vomit from laughing so hard.  your kidding you gotta be. I love the devil he makes being fun so good and to hell with your Jesus will look after you crap.You're full of shit. Where the hell was your Jesus when I was being raped at nine or when my stepdad threw me through a window at twelve? He was up ther eand smoking a bowl with the devil and singing karoke. Do you think IF there is a Devil and a God that they would really care what a bunch of people think. That either have your soul or they don't. Frankly living in sin, drinking and gettng lap dances from strippers of the same sex make me happy so if there is a heaven, well it's right here on earth.  And if there is a hell I will burn gladly if get to be with Three Sixes and strippers.

So fuck your Jesus who protects the meek and the children. Where was he when I was being raped and tossed like a salad. If I ever get to see him I will gladly raise my middle finger and tell him to eat my pussy. And you can too, you just email Damien with your info.



Hey everyone, your favorite guitar player Killswitch here. I wanted to touch on a few subjects that piss me off. Just real quick - promise. First off, I do NOT have the biggest dick in the band, so don't ask...

Next up, Axl Rose. Yeah, the fat fucker outdid himself again, didn't he? It's not enough that he makes Guns N' Roses fans wait an exorbitant number of years between albums - but now, trying to ride the nostalgia circuit - he schedules a USA tour in support of the "highly anticipated" Chinese Democracy. Then...after two no-shows on his part, he cancels the entire
tour. Not that I mind - my love for GNR left when Izzy Stradlin distanced himself from the band. Yeah he wrote the songs on the first album, not Slash you morons...

I understand completely that the All You Can Eat Buffets in Las Vegas and Chinatown (L.A.) are hard to leave, especially when you have extended credit from those places in order to maintain your healthy lifestyle of chicken chow mein and mandarin dog balls...but hey, when you plan a tour - and SELL OUT EVERY NIGHT - you should follow through with your schedule.  No way, not for Axl. This midwestern marshmallow shell of a former rockstar has too much on his plate - literally - to extend his musical talent, or marketing ploys, to the masses. Fuck you, Axl. I am calling you out. I am calling you a bitch. That's right...a cute little guitar player for an L.A. metal act - who doesn't cancel shows or wimp out at after parties - is calling you a bitch. In fact, I'll go so far as to say if I see you anywhere downtown soon....I will kick your pansy ass. That's right, Pizza teeth -  I fucking hate you. You suck, as a musician and as a human being. You have NO integrity, no passion and no remorse for being such an incosiderate prick towards your fans. I hope you die a horrible death. Phew...I feel better...Next on my agenda: these clubs and "promoters" who act like they know all about the music business. Ok...so you don't like to call bands back, or acting representatives on behalf of the band. No problem...too busy massaging your genitalia to consider booking an aggressive marketing machine of a metal band. Not just THREE SIXES, either. You do it to all local acts who don't suck your cock, lick your ass, or basically swallow your vomiting of bullshit that spews forth from your holy mouth. You are a poor excuse for a "talent buyer". Guess what...bands like us...we draw, and we put on a damn good show. Also, national acts love us...in fact, they recommend us to other national acts. Oh yeah...we sell CDs and T-shirts at shows - all by ourselves.

Promoters or psuedo-agents: This is actually directed towards those who do not have any experience in the marketing or promotion of musical acts. These people assume because they live in California (and they like the bands here), that they are prime candidates for music promotion or becoming a talent agent. HAHAHA....I totally laugh at these people...they book shows at clubs with a required presale amount of tix, or even better - ask for money up front from the bands before they can even confirm their spots. Hey "Mr. Gigs" this is directed towards you...what you did for Hackstitch. They are good kids and play hard, and you just fuckin' rape them for money up front....did I mention that if he decides to cancel the show, he still keeps a mandated amount of money as a payment for services rendered....you like that folks? Just remember bands....push yourself....this is the best way to market yourself...feel free to write me for some guidance...yeah, I ran a record label in Vegas, worked as a Marketing Rep for BMG Distribution and also have consulted many bands on their way to success....Anyways...go to our shows...support us...if we succeed...so do you as friends and fans.

Fuck the system. Fuck Axl Rose again, as well...By the way, anyone that has ties with Celebrity Boxing...I want to fight Eminem...white boy to white boy...hahha.



Posted: December 15, 2002

All I have to say is, this band is hard core!  When I first met them, I have to admit, the music was unusually crazy for me.  I like heavy metal, classic rock, alternative rock, etc., but Three Sixes is out of this world!!  Damien for one, is scarier then all shit, and the band members aren't to far behind, but in all there a great bunch of guys.  I'd pay to see them anywhere!  The Gross pages rock, and the porn is pretty hot, but most of all, I love Day with Damien.  Proudly I can say, a couple of those incidents, I witnessed first hand.  Anyways, POKE SMOT!!!!

Stoney Stonette
Anaheim, Ca.

PS-Killswitch, check a few inquiries before the antibacterial swabs remark was made, and you'll see what he meant. (He's offering something to clean off your face so alexscia can sit on it!) HA!


It is very important to include Jesus in your life.

I read your last e-mail .  I must say I was surprised and somewhat concerned for you.  Playing around with the devil is no joke Headbang. He is very real and can be very cunning. Please be careful.  I pray the Lord Jesus will watch over you and protect you.  I pray you will rebuke the devil and accept the Lord Jesus as your Savior.  I know you are probably thinking, "My goodness , don't go off the deep end!"  But let me tell you this: In matters of war against the devil there is every reason to get right to the point and be bold.  Just know that we love you and care about you.

Take care & God Bless...

Aunt Sandi


Posted: December 01, 2002



hey threesixes, soulgrave is fuckin back and after an extended leave of the putrid pc world i have returned to waste more spoiled air and piss off some more people.

whats it been D.? two three months without the internet for me? and not a day goes by that i'm not pissed at somthing so here's what i'm fucking sick of now (NOTE to all you little whiny piss-ant parents, FUCK OFF don't read this) thats whats pissing me off parents who whine and bitch about what it is we do, the music we heathens like LARRY'S MOM CAN EAT THE SHIT FROM MY DOG'S ASS fuck you and my ex-girl what a bitch, gave the chick the world and it still wasnt good enough, so i ran into her old boyfriend, she knew i was cool with him fuck her (wait i did that already didnt i?) but hell the dyke sucked in bed anyway, made me feel like i was fucking a corpse (not that is a bad thing but) you hit the nail on the head with 'i fuck the dead' D. half the living bitches i have fucked like doggy style, they roll over and play dead.

NOTE TO THE LADIES if you want good fucks from us guys give us a good fuck in return now enough of that shit on to more important matters like somones death

Iiraq? why the fuck are they still on the map? why are they not all dead and or dying? jesus fucking christ GET UR FUCKING HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASS UN AND GO FUCKING KILL THEM ALREADY YOU GODDAMN WELL KNOW HE'LL GO HIDE ALL THE GOOD TOYS AND PULL 'EM OUT WHEN YOU LEAVE FUCK HIM UP ALREADY and bin ladin why is his corpse on on display in times square?what the fuck is this country thinking? get all up in arms and all patriotic when it suits ur fuckin needs? i say we get slayer to play a show in iraq while our marines run around killing anything that isnt fuckin american that works for me or better yet lets send limb bizket over there and give it two weeks saddam will be beggin us to kill him. hell i can hear it now "please!!!! no more american nigger band we give up" this is steve from cleveland (p.s. still spreadin the threesixes word like the bubonic plague)


Hey Killswitch,

Thanks for responding to the ad. Unfortunately Three Sixes is not the kind of music I am willing to promote. If you read the ad correctly, it said "Alternative rock bands". Metal/hardcore bands, especially with a satanic theme, are not in my best interest.

Thanks for your inquiry.
(A promoter in Orange County who prefers to remain anonomous)



 hey studly...your drum beats rock!!  Still working on your tat (great
idea by the way)!!  Hope you and D came up with some great drum
loops....wish i could have heard them!!  Can't wait wait to hear the new
shit.  Love you guys....call me later!!!
Coachella Valley, Ca.


Posted: November 15, 2002

Hey Damien,

Oh my fucking god...i just read the new "Day with Damien" story about the show in Newport where i first met you in person and everything nasty that happened between you and I.  That is so fucking great, i loved every line of it....HeadBang did a great job of portraying the events that occured the way they really happened. What a night it was indeed, i had so much fun!!! 

Damien, you fucking rock in the sack....i would love to fuck you again and again.  You just tell me the time and the place and i am there....you know how to get ahold of me!!  Anyways....thanks for showing me the time of my life and giving me the hottest sex ever and thanks to the whole band for giving us a show and an evening to remember.  Three Sixes fucking rock!!!! Until next time we meet, ta ta for now and i hope you have sweet, steamy, nasty fuck dreams of me....like i do about you.
Hot and Wet for you,
Palm Desert, CA


You be careful and stay grounded.  666 is the number of the enemy and he is no one to play around with. Just stay close to God so that you are protected. God Bless and protect you.



Hey roz, what's up...Whoever said that on the page:You do sound like two drummers at once. You guys rock!!!!! When are you guys playing closer to the valley? I will help support you guys.

The number is six hundred and sixty-six.. The number of the beast, hell and fire, fun for you and me, Iron Maiden....



Too bad im all the way out in fucking new york...or youd see me at the pitts with a bloody face and a bottle of 151 in my hand. Thats the great life. Thats the life to live...I got a new scar about an inch long on my lip a couple weeks ago... and guess what i lost a tooth.. my front one...next time im going in for bigger... i feel like breaking a limb.  I tried findin my tooth on the pitt floor but I knew i would catch a foot so i just kept going with it.  I played I.F.T.D. the other day on my bus... recruited a couple more maggots for the flesh...they loved it.  I like the general respone to that song...you know the wide eyes OO and the jaw dropped to the floor >8O) and when you get that one prep lwho looks at you like your the scum of the earth.  Then you stare back real hard with your best eagle eye and his dart away in fear.  Yeah thats fun.  Last couple of days i been walkin by the prep tables in my school and just standing at the end...with my face on ... the face that says im gonna rip your fuckin throat out and feed it to your girlfriend... yeah that one. Well its early in teh mornin and i am fuckin smashed ...you wouldnt beilieve how manytimes i had to backspace this...so Customize Your Death and Then Your Punishment~~Keep it Fuckin Filthy~~and allways remember Cheese is Evil~~

Who Else,




The site kicks ass. I was surfing at work and had to explain to our IT guy why I was at threesixes.com. I pulled up the site, showed him the funny shit and the babes, now he and the other IT guys are all over it.

Keep up the great work!

One way too techy guy stuck in an armpit of the U.S.

Jacksonville, FL


Posted: October 10, 2002

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know that your music kicks ass, that Rozzvon character makes it sound like there is two drummers....keep it up brother. In regards to Dong Slobbermouth, fuck him and his 3000 bucks.  i just want to say i agree with Stinkybutsky, on pretty much everything.  I see you guys going far, and I'll follow you guys all the way.....keep it up and see you guys Sat!!!!!!



Pete in Florida,

My name is Zaaaaaah, and I am a seeker. I am not greedy or self righteous. Instead, I am a seeker of knowledge. For me I seek the answer to one simple question: How much will it take to bring a person to absolute disgust? What really is revolting?

Pete, you're a pious, ignorant, self righteous asshole. I will continuein my search to define what is gross, disgusting, and revolting. I hope you come back here you little bitch. I'll show you video of your mother getting fucked by a goat, the abandoned fetus your crack whore girlfriend left in the toilet, you fucking that fag and the married woman at your work, and best of all... When you die, I'll get the footage and post it on this website.

FUCK OFF you stupid little fuck. This reply has wasted too much of my energy. I'm going to call your wife so she can come over and suck my cock while I look for more great stuff to post on the Gross Page.


Your sound is tight! Killer style, killer name - rock on. Definitley adding it to my playlist.

-Troy Azmoon
Manager, Dr. Chunk


y0, whut up. i just checked out your shiiit on mp3.com. MY GAAAAWD! what the fuuuck do you got going on down there? this is the best shiiit i've heard in a long time! i fuuuckin love it! to be totaly honest, i listen to LORD OF THE DEAD atleast 12 times each day. shiiit, ATLEAST 12! anyfuckinway, were planing on doing a little tour around the so cal area. something evil and somewhat satanic, with sick fuuckin
bands. after hearing your shiit and visiting your website there is no fuuckin way i couldn't atleast attempt to get you to consider doing somethin with us. "us" is haCKstitch. you prolly heard of us, seeing as were nationaly known and all...OR NOT! fuck that! but we are like the most hated band in the IE...or so it seems. we got bitch ass christian groups trying to protest our shiiit and bitch boy christian kids trying to start shiiit. you prolly don't give a fuuuck, but i want you to atleast consider it. the tour is still not a for sure thing. but check out haCKstitch. three sixes and haCKstitch gots lots in common. with the whole worshiping of the dark lord himself...and masturbating to pictures of old black women drowning in a sea of penguin semen. www.hackstitch.com we got pictures up from our last show on aug 1. check that shiiit out. we got mp3s you can check out too. www.mp3.com/hackstitch it's older shiiit, about 3 months old, and quickly becoming obsolete when compared to our newer stuff. download VIRGIN LIPS, that's just a sick fuuckin blashpemous song. "..i'll strike fear in the heart of christ". FORCES OF DARKNESS is good too. you know whut, check out anything you fuuckin want. but just get something straight, on SEVERED AT BIRTH the first 2 rappers are NOT us. SAB is a collab with two local rappers. we don't come in until the third verse. you'll know... yeah.. well.. that's it. check the shiiit out, thug. stay sick.



Posted:  September 7, 2002

Now that the Three Sixes "Hall of Shame" is accepting submissions, I have a story that would promote two assholes into its ranks!

About three months ago, I was getting ready to shoot the music video, "God Denied" for Three Sixes, when Damien informed me that their then bassist Doc Slaughterhouse had a friend that agreed to edit the video & burn us a DVD copy.

This so-called editor's name is Stan Schumlick. Now, first off, I will no longer be referring to Doc by his stage name, but rather the name he actually earned- DONG SLOBBERMOUTH!!! So, if you see Dong walking down the street or drowning in his pathetic life sorrows somewhere, don't hesitate to let him know that you recognize him! Feel free to hurl inults on this most unprofessional prick!!! Dong's treachery stretches farther than this video shoot, but I'll let Damien put him in the Hall of Shame a second time for all the ways he tried to screw the band's new CD.

So, while we're shooting the music video, Stan shows up, starts shooting on his own video camera, & admittedly, captures some really good footage. He shoots on both days of filming & even has a lot of helpful tips in the set-up process.

We wrap the video shoot & a few weeks later, I call Stan & start meeting with him to edit the whole video package. While this was all going on, Dong Slobbermouth ended up quitting Three Sixes because he is a lazy, backwards-ass, shit-for-brains!! Not to worry, though, because Damien was going to fire his candy ass anyway!!!

Now, besides doing a favor for Dong Slobbermouth, Stan agreed to edit the video if Killswitch got him a good deal on this cherry Gibson Les Paul. Naturally, Killswitch came through on his end of the deal & gave it to him below cost! So, in essence, Stan was "paid" in advance for a project that he'd originally agreed to work on as a favor for "free".

So, Stan & I are meeting twice a week to edit at his apartment. We had all the video footage that we were going to use in "God Denied", as well as all the stock shots chosen. Stan had even gone as far as to edit the entire live video for "Salvationless". Our titles were picked out & we were just finishing up all the interview footage.

Three weeks into the editing process, Stan starts saying that he only agreed to make a DVD for the band only, but we couldn't burn copies & sell it. Then he starts throwing out excuses about not having time to make titles. Then he cancels two consecutive editing appointments with me in a row. Anybody reading between the lines on this one?

This whole ordeal ended when Stan walks into my work & hands me the tape with all the footage I shot on it. He simply says, "here's your tape- I'm off the project!". So, I said fine, how much can I purchase the tape with the footage you shot on it? This asshole says, "$3000.00 a tape!". I told him to take his tapes & jam them right up his fat ass!

After an extreme verbal exchange, it is better that his unprofessional ass is off this project. I'm pissed because he wasted my & Three Sixes time, plus he is absolutely a hack!!! So, indy & professional film makers be wary- DO NOT under any circumstances hire STAN SCHUMLICK to edit any projects for you!!!!!!!!

So it is with great pleasure I nominate Dong Slobbermouth & Stan Schumlick into the Three Sixes Hall of Shame!!!

Fester & rot in there, you two fatherfuckers!!!!

With Regards,

Nick "Crypt" Griffo,

Three Sixes video director


Hey there, this is Lil' Horn I havent been in touch for a while now....but i just wanted to say Hi to Damien and the band...Customizing Punishment is rising up....i have been playin my 7 string day in and day out...and making all types of new lyrics...i have spread your band name like a disease in my town...and anyone in the massachusetts state most likely has heard of the Sixes from me or my band buddies...what can i say ... i told ya i'd get the word around...i have copied a whole shitload of your cd's and handed them out when i was doing gigs n etc.."w the authorized permission of Damien" ...and i just wanted to say good luck...i havent seen your god damn video yet!!!! has it come out...if it has jus send the download to me if ya can damien...or tell me where i can watch it.....Peace out and once again good luck...Customize your Punishment and Maybe your death


Lil' Horn


Three Sixes,

  Just wanted to say fuck the little prick who stuck your piece of shit stickers on my truck at Ozzfest. You ever heard of personal property asshole, lucky you weren't seen or would be on your own website. Have a nice day you nack.

Sexylilangel, perris ca


Hey Damien what the fuck is going on man? Long time no talk tell me how things are going? I was on your website and its off the hook man.  I am currently getting my band Denied Reality back together which will be off the hook.  We have a all original members except for a new drummer.  I am also currently writing for the music section on a new website at www.workingsnug.com.  Its got a Threesixes influence to it.  I just finished interviewing BIE (Big In Europe) a hardcore techno punk band that tours around with different indie wrestling leagues all over Europe. These guys are one of the hardest working bands of all time and there touring is very extensive.  I was fortunate enough to spend a half hour talking to Doc Toxic (lead singer) while he was in between shows in Germany.  Check out his interview under the music section.  BIE has just signed a huge record deal with Sadistic Records and they will be coming out on one of Sadistic Records International compilation as well as a full length.  Check that out at www.SadisticRecords.com. Finally, I just want to give a shout out to the following indie leagues that work there asses off for entertainment: AEW (All Euro Wrestling), UKCW (United Kingdom Championship Wrestling), BASW (Barcelons Aggressive Shoot Wrestling), CEG (Continental European Grappling), GLWP (Global League Wrestling Promotions).


Sergeant Cuervo


Tremendous -- industrial, hardcore, rapcore -- very difficult to find quality stuff.  Three Sixes has all the talent you could ask for, and more.  Thanks for the downloads from your site. I'm picking up the CD from Amazon and sure wish there were more tracks! I've started working to produce an industrial CD with a group called Krushed Opiates (main guy is in prison right now, cut the last track the day before he went in :-().  I'm really just a sponsor helping fund the production -- but man, if I could get hooked up with Three Sixes . . .

Wishing you all the success --

Little Rock, Arkansas


Hey Damien,
It's me agian.  I feel like a personal watch dog or whatever.  So another fucking idiot wants to post a stupid message filled with inaccuracies so here goes...

Pete in Florida, you stupid fucking idiot.  Researching Satanic cults on the web.  You come across My Dark Lords web site and say it is filled with misrepresentations, inaccuracies.  WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.  My Dark Lord doesn't have anything on his web page that is satanic in its content retard. Damien talks about his music and what is going on in his life, how is that inaccurate, or misrepresented.  He actually did all the shit idiot.  Do you honestly think that he made that shit up?  NO.  Have you not heard the saying that TRUE LIFE IS STRANGER THEN FICTION, maybe not Pete.
As for his section of GROSS STUFF, it is meant to be revolting man skank, can't you read?  I mean come on.  I couldn't keep myself from laughing when I read your idiotic statements. If you think his "sense of humor" is crude then you must not watch some movies, well at least half of the movies out there.  Your comments are juvenile if anything and more  "inaccurate" then what you claim Damien says FUCK HEAD.  Pull the dick out of your ass that you used to get off on while you looked at his GROSS PAGE and wipe the cum out of the corner of your mouth, cocksucker. 

People like you who think they KNOW what the fuck they are talking about and rant their bullshit should be shot dead, clean up the gene pool with your un-informed opinion of what you imagine this site to be. Pansy ass queer.  Go fuck around there near little Cuba and hire your self a hooker.  I think the ass of your is a little sore by now huh!  Maybe a little pussy will make you read and interpret better, pencil dick, man skank.  No better yet don't fuck a hooker you may reproduce another idiot like your self, fucking schmuck.

Damien, My Dark Lord, I am baffled at the pure mental retardation of these people who think themselves educated. Maybe when your writing your next song think of the idiots of the world and write a song about abortions that should have been, Robert in Lng Bch, Pete in Florida, John in New York and Larrys Mom.

Love Ya,


Who the fuck are you guys, i keep getting emails from you and even a cd, but honesty you suck. I dont see how you would ever think you could replace Drowning pool but well, keep aiming for the stars. So dont email me again, and I dont know how you got my email address but lose it.

USS Antietam
Naval Police & Security.

Posted: August 25, 2002

My Dark Lord.  Enough of the "accept Jesus and he'll protect and save you shit"  enough of the dick who says "you ripped off a deads man name", whatever cocksucker Robert in Lng Beach go fuck yourself ,cumsucking-herpes-infested-dildo. These fucking people man including that cocksucker John in New York with his "supposed" musical critique, critique this asshole your just trippin cause you don't get pussy and HOOKERS don't count crack-head. Better yet your probably gay and want Damien and hate yourself for it. Come out of the closet asshole, don't be mad Damien won't fuck ya but he'll sell your stupid ass. Pencil Dick. Man Skank. Well anyway they just want to fuck with you cause you got something going with your life unlike themselves the Dick Heads.

Anyway enough with me ranting on these fucks. People who claim to love Jesus saying your women are ugly, WHY ARE YOU EVEN LOOKING JESUS FREAK?? People who say your not creative WHERE IS THEIR RECORD LABEL THE ASSHOLES??  Ooops didn't I say I would stop?  Fuck that shit, Your No Pussy and I know some Girls who could testify to that in court. We know the truth :)~.  So to all the Nay sayers one thing GO FUCK YOURSELVES.  To all the believers, Damien has new shit for you that will turn you into his whore or his drinking buddy, pick your poison.

Love Ya,


Love your new site.  Very cool.
While reading through your wall of Fame/ Hall of Shame, I had to laugh at some of the posts and take offense at others.

The "Paypal Account" was hilarious.  Too Fricken Funny.  And to Larry's Mom, if she ever comes back, part of being a parent, is knowing what your kids are doing, no matter the time or the place.  The only person (or persons) to blame are you and your husband, for not taking an active interest in your childs life.

To Faithful disciple of Calvary Chapel, WHAT ARE YOU DOING LOOKING AT, "WHORES?"  I know you're not Catholic, but I think 100 Hail Marys are in order.  And quit preaching, it's peolple like you, who force religion down people's throats, that cause the problems in this world.  There's a truism you might want to learn:  You attract more flies with honey than you do with vineager.

To the person, who cowardly went unnamed, who brought up Sept 11.  Fuck off... The people that comitted that autrocity, hate this country for one reason; the freedoms you and I all enjoy.  That includes free speech and the right to choose what we want to read, write or listen too.  If you want to label it, fine.  I have no problems with that, there are kids out there too young to understand what the music's about and parents out there that lack the responsibility of being a parent.  (See above.)  But people like you are the worst....Anyone who suggests what you suggest reminds me of Stalin.  Lenin.  Hitler. Osama bin Laden. Saddam Hussien.  Fidel Castro.  Musselini.  Milosovic(sp?).  Idi Amin.What do all the above have in common?  They presecuted people for their beliefs.  For what they wrote and for what they said.  For thier religous beliefs.  They comitted autrocities against their own countrymen for thinking different.  For speaking out, for different religous beliefs.Your veiled threats, and threats they are, are infantile and you remind me of Jesse Jackson who hides behind race to extort and browbeat people and companies to further his olitical and monetary gain.And as for "God."  God comes in many shapes and forms in this country.  God is not the God you make him out to be.  In your world his, but there are many paths to God;  He is God, he is Buddah, he is Allah, he is Jesus, he is Ra, he is Ghonesh, he is Cosmic, he is infinite.  And to those who don't believe, that's what they believe and there's nothing wrong with that.And as far as the Three Sixes being anti-american or anti-patriotism, I don't see where you're coming from.  There's nothing in the lyrics that's even remotely suggests such things.  The only person who I see as anti-american is you with you're censorship and veiled threats.  Only dictatorships, theocracies, communists and demogouges think along these lines.
I suggest you reread The Constitution,The Delclaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, The Articles of Confederacy and the Gettysburg Address and learn what it is to be an American.

To Cleveland... Rock on and good luck.

Tina, I'm not a girl, but I know you can take a number.  The line is long.

Robert in Long Beach,

If you only knew.And regarding a dead man's name, Damien LaVey is nobodies name.  Damien is taken from the movies, The Omen to be precise.  And LaVey is taken from Anton.  So as far as I know, there was no one named Damien LaVey.  Umh. Jerk.As far as him being a pussy and gay, he'd diffentely kick your ass, and he's had more chicks than you've dreamt about.  Umh.  Jerk.Take that to your bed and Jerk.

John from New York,
Opinions are like assholes.  Everyone's got one and they all stink.  Yours and mine included.

Considering Time Warner, who owns AOL, released that infamous Album by ICE-T, Copkiller.

I have some antibacterial swabs if you want.  :)

Take care everyone.



Hello Three Sixes!!!!
I just got a hold of your CD Possession and I wanted to post on your site how fucken great I think it is. Somehow your CD made it into our local record store's (Blackies) used CD pile and I picked it up for $3.00 and I can't believe my fucken ears man. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has music like this. There is nothing on the disk that reminds me of anything that I have ever heard. It just fucken kicks ass. I can't stop playing it. Also, at the house where we all hang out and smoke dope at everybody is always walking in and asking to hear it right away. It's like our party music now. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that Pontiac, IL is trippin on your shit right now. Later dude.

Able Trent


Damien (you sorry ass pathetic loser),

I was performing research for a paper I'm writing on Satanic cults and your website came up during the course of one of my searches. Your website is full of misrepresentations, inaccuracies, and generally speaking sucks serious ass.

Out of curiosity, I had to see what you had posted under the "Cool Shit" section where I came across your "Gross Page". The content of this page was offensive if not revolting. Like a car accident I didn't want to look at it but I had to. The horrible and disgusting things you have posted on that page reflect what a perverse sense of humour you have and is an obvious indication of how musicians (if that's what you call yourself) have allowed themselves to sink into a previously unconscionable level of depravity.

Your Gross Page is a reflection of your poor humour, disregard for other people, and worst of all your obvious lack of self respect as you have to go out of your way to find other people even more disgusting and down-trodden than yourself.

Pete in Florida.


Hey Damien,

First off, I just want to say what a hard-ass band Three Sixes is! The website is awesome & is only going to get better. The music of Three Sixes is so brutal, that it makes the fluid in my mother's colostomy bag boil!

Now on to business! I have the perfect inductee into the Three Sixes Hall of Shame. This inductee was the singer of a thrash metal band back in the 90's, but now he's an official nobody! His name is Todd Rubberneck!!!

For this asshole's birthday, he requested that he have his friends pitch in for a stripper to come over & perform various "acts of entertainment" for his pleasure & amusement. One of his friends clued everyone in about a special "fetish" Todd enjoyed. It seems good ol' Todd enyoyed a good he-she from time to time!!!!

So, being the good friends that they were, they all searched & eventually found this "creature" that would satisfy Todd's strange desire.

So, at Todd's party, his friends told him to sit down because his surprise had arrived. The arrogant bastard actually got all full of himself, as a mutual friend had a stripper come to his party (a girl stripper, that is!) & Todd felt that since he was better & cooler than this mutual friend, that he would have a better stripper.

Well, out walks Todd's dream wo/man, and the bastard actually had the gall to pretend like he didn't like him/her! He sat in a chair, faking a stupid &surprised look on his face, while pretending that he didn't like it!

First the beast took off it's blouse & rubbed it's mosquito bite excuses for breasts in Todd's face. Todd, of course, having to play to his party guests, smiles & claims that he'll "be a good sport!". Gee Todd, if it were me & I legitimately was repulsed by this, I would have run out of the room in terror! Nice try, you closet queer!

Then it takes off its skirt & its was wearing a lace pair of panties that was hiding Todd's birthday surprise! The scary part was when its sack was hanging out the side of it's panties. That was truly repulsive! But not to you, Todd! As much as you shook your head & smiled, you wouldn't tear your eyes away from your special guest's secret package, could you closet boy?

You know, if you would have just been yourself instead of the "macho image" you had to portray, then people would at least respect you for your individuality! Granted we wouldn't want to hang out with you for fear of when we went to your house & all the beer is conveniently on the bottom shelf of your extremely low refrigerator. Yeah, we know, it was left in the apartment when you moved in, you bought it & it was like that, it was a gift from your mom, etc. Yeah, no problem Todd ol' buddy. Wink, wink!

Anyway, Todd had to finish portraying his macho image & diss his friends that really didn't care that Todd bats from both sides of the plate. So, the he/she felt uncomfortable because Todd wasn't "enjoying it's show" & left. Although, I'd be willing to bet that secretly Todd was sporting lumber solid enough to cut a diamond in half (although it would probably have to be an extremely SMALL diamond!).

The bottom line, Todd, is that you were a rude faggot that crapped on everyone & everything! The least you could have done was thank your friends & give the he-bitch a reacharound for trying to entertain your sorry ass!

I heard that now Todd is married & has two kids (hey Todd, do they have your neighbors eyes?). There's an old saying that applies to people like you, Todd! You can take the lion out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the lion, or in your case, the dick out of the lion!

By the way, your three drunk-ass room mates rubbing peanut butter on their nuts & letting the family dog lick it off just speaks volumes by the company you keep, bitch boy!

The poster boy for the Three Sixes hall of shame- Todd Rubberneck!!!!!!!

I'm out of here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Gil de Raye


Posted: August 12, 2002

To Damian, or whatever your real name is,at Threesixes.com,

My son used my paypal account to buy your CD off of someone on ebay without my permission and when the CD came I did not know what it was when I gave it to him. I must say that I am extremely pissed off that you would put this kind of crap out into the general public without some kind of warning label on it or something. MY SON IS ONLY 13 YEARS OLD!!! I am so angry with you. When he started singing about being denied by God, that was one thing but I just cannot believe that you guys wrote about fucking dead people. ARE YOU FUCKING SICK??? I wish that I could get my money back but I know that I wont. I did write a letter to ebay telling them about your trash so I don't think that anybody will be able to sell it on ebay anymore. I hope they kick that asshole off for good. Anyway, I just wanted to say FUCK YOU and I hope you all die very soon.

Larry's Mom


Dear Damien; I read your website (which sucks) and by the way, the beat whores you have on your website make me puke. If I sold my soul to Satan, I would make sure, hot chicks were thrown in! But getting to the real point, we will be held accountable for everything we say and do. You sing about hell like its cool, but you don't understand. Read MARK 9:42-45 then tell me what you think!! Until next time, where you'll spend eternity is a choice that we all have control of, God has given us free will, the right to choose. Jesus is the only way of salvation. To be for him is to live your life for him. To be undecided is to be decided. If you choose to deny him,
he will deny you before our Father in Heaven. The alternative to Heaven is Hell, described as never-ending weeping and the eternal gnashing of teeth. Imagine the worst pain you can think of and times it by infinity, this is Hell. A place where the memories of everyone that has ever told you about the LOVE of JESUS CHRIST will be replaying in your mind, knowing and understanding the reason you are in hell is because YOU chose to deny JESUS. If you want to know for sure that you will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ and would like to have a personal relationship with our creator please e-mail me back. Jesus knows the desires of your heart. He wants to give you a band that goes to the top of the charts. He knows your heart, he will meet you right where you're at, just ask him into your heart. There isn't anything that you have done that Jesus didn't already pay for by shedding him blood on the cross for all of humanity. Jesus is Real and he wants to be a part of your life. He wants to give you a band that will bring glory in his name. He will not push himself on you though, he stands at the door of your heart waiting to enter in, it's your choice though. I know there is a battle going on in your heart and in your head right now. Make the decision for Jesus, you will not regret it. I've never known anyone who regrets asking Jesus into their heart, their only regret is that they didn't ask him in sooner. Jesus loves you Damien.

From a faithful disciple of Calvary Chapel, Huntington Beach, Ca.


lThree Sixes Fans/Haters:

Just thought I would drop a line to say hello to everyone, and that I dig this new piece of the site so much. I don't give a fuck if someone does not like our music - that's their opinion - I will still share my beer with them.  cannot wait to fuck some shizzat up with our new disc "Salvationless" and the live crushing shows that will follow. Your boy Killswitch had the extreme pleasure of hanging with Morgan and Mercedes from Kittie in Dallas @ the Canyon Club...we talked of some possible shows. I told them I would do them both at one time. No fear, baby...Yes, I love to eat pussy.

Alexcia..lemme clean my face off so you have a place to sit.

- Killswitch
- guitars, Three Sixes


lTo whom it may concern at ThreeSixes.com;

   It should be duly noted that following the September 11th tragedy on American soil, patriotism in America has risen to a new level and we Americans will no longer tolerate such anti-American symbolism as burning our great flag or tampering with the legalities of the wording in our school's flag solute. It was the intention of our forefathers to create a country that grew as a family "under God" and this still meets with our goals as a nation today.

   It has been brought to my attention that some twisted and perhaps mentally deficient individuals have put together a music group and website that has it's own agenda. As I looked at the pages on your site, I became sickened by the content and have decided to take everything to heart personally. I am outraged that you have taken steps to spread this filth on unsuspecting, honest, hardworking Americans and their children. You should be as ashamed or yourselves as I am of you. I must remind you that making lite of a serious issue such as patriotism and God can be detrimental to your team goals as well as the goals of our government. I am not threatening you or anything, I am just warning you that 'things could happen' to you that would be easily avoided if you would simply disband on shut down the website now.

    As I have taken steps in the past to insure that music is categorized and labeled so that the content is known to the buyer ahead of time, I will now take the appropriate steps to insure that certain musical groups, such as Three Sixes, will not have the ability to sell their products anywhere in this great country. Your disgusting and unsolicited filth will be disregarded and discarded in the near future, I promise you. Again, I urge you to do the right thing now and put an end to this disgusting display of Anti-God and anti-Americanism and to funnel your artistic talents into creating something that helps instead of hinders. You do not want to hear from me again. Shut down this website or you will. Thank you.


Posted: August 01, 2002

this is the one and only threesixes fan from cleveland (as far as i know but i keep spreading the word like it was aids) but enough horse shit i'm gonna waste your time telling you what i fucking hate first off i fucking hate christians and fuckin rap music, i hate all this fucking nigger ghetto shit, tell the welfare junkys to get a fucking job. i also fuckin hate all this so called "extreme" music that everyone seems to like cause mtv doesnt know a god damn thing about extreme 92.3 (cleveland) doesnt know fuckin shit either singin limp bizket is extreme and now playin slim shady, but i like shady he's got a great "fuck you" attatude if you want extreme go listen to slayer and deicide hell even cradle of filth and dimmu borgir thats fuckin true metal thats true hardcore and true extreme, but as any solider worth a shit knows you keep ur friends close and ur enemys closer so we have to invade the mainstreme and take it from the pussy jock assholes and aids carrying whore cheerleaders and get in the scene and infect it with some true fuckin sickness so let threesixes come forth and so let cradle of filth come forth and so let us start with the hate crimes lets burn some fuckin churches, and mug some nuns, beat some child fondeling preachers and slap some fuckin preppy trendy whores, lets go gay bashing on the jocks for all the times they called us faggots when they passed in thier cars, fuckers don't even have the balls to get out of the car you want extreme, i'll show you extreme now lets quit the bitchin and smash some fuckin heads, hey D. c'mon man lets get some beers and go hurt people in the name of satan or any other fuckin name we want



hey damien,

you fucken stud, i want to suck your rock star cock



listen to me you little fuck-bitch, your nothing but a fag wantint to act and feel like a man, to be a man is not to do the queer shit you do, its to go out and do those things you TALK ABOUT for REAL. I'm gonna show you what being an asshole will get you ya piece of shit and I think you know that I can.

your a pussy a little fag and a lot of people fucking hate you! plagerist, stealing a dead man's name! glad i'm not you!

robert, lng beach.ca


Hey Damien,

well this Dawn. Have I got to tell you something, you have finally turned this pristine virgin I know into a complete and total slut. Well I was talking to my friend Kitty , that is her name, and she was at home listening to your cd, well she and I were having a converstation about your song "GOD DENIED" she herself is a christian but is completely openminded, well anyway she and I were saying how we find other women atractive and what-not. So I told her to go to your web site. So she and I were browsing thru it and she came to the section "Day with Damien" she and I were reading your stories and laughing at some the shit and she and I start to read "Amy" the story Mike wrote, well while I was talking to her on the phone her converstation got a little laboured and she starts to not hear what I am saying and then I ask whats she up to and she says "nothing". Well about two minutes later I hear her moan and then wimper a little, that bitch just fucked herself reading that story. I asked her agian about what she did and then she admitted that she found the story very darkly sexy, I asked if she fingered herself or if she used a dildo, just her fingers she said. Are you proud? I thought that you would like to hear that little tale. By the way that all happened about a hour ago, she said she was going to take a little nap. See ya sweetie, hugs-and-kisses.



Damien,went to your site last week and I e-mailed the URL to a couple of friends across the country and the world for that matter,and like me they never laughed so hard in their lives!The first question that they all wanted to know is "is this guy for real?" i remember the first time i listened to "The electric hellfire club"about 7 years ago and i was influenced too."thrill kill kult" and the whole Wax trax sceane has been around for years,putting out hard core lyrics and great music thanks a musical genius named Al Jorgenson and Ministry.In short your music is a joke,and as you scratch and whine your way into obscurity,trying in vain to push some imagined "envelope" of creativity, here in lies your problem,you don't have a creative or original bone in your lame-ass body.

John, New York


Hey, check this out, one of my friends got his profile erased on AOL for its violation of content, seeing that he was showing his support for Three Sixes I thought you'd be interested.

Dear Member,

America Online has been notified of a Member Directory profile created by one of the screen names on your account which violates AOL's Terms of Service (TOS). A written warning has been entered on your account record along with the information below.

On 07/28/02 3:26:10 AM Eastern, the crucifyhymn screen name created/edited a profile that contained the following inappropriate content:

"Unacceptable Profile: Location: Alot of people think that i'm pretty sick because I FxUxCxK dead chics"

AOL has deleted this profile from the Member Directory. Feel free to create a new profile that does not include this kind of objectionable content.

When creating an AOL account, all members agree to abide by America Online's TOS. These guidelines prohibit the use of vulgar or sexually oriented language, sexually explicit images, harassment, discussion of illegal activities, and/or other activities that may impair the enjoyment of our members.

Please take a moment to be sure all users of this account are familiar with keyword TOS. Further violations by any screen name on this account within the next six months may result in termination of your account.

To learn more about how to protect your AOL account, we recommend you visit keywords Neighborhood Watch and Parental Controls.

If you have any comments or questions please send e-mail to TOSGeneral.

EfrenCommunity Action Team
America Online, Inc.



I just wanted to tell you that a friend of mine told me about three sixes and the web site so I went on and I saw your profile. I just want to tell you that I want to put you in handcuffs and have my way with you all night long! I have heard that you are really good with your hand in more ways then one and even better with your tongue. So good you cant keep it in your mouth! Its all I can think about so get back to me as soon as you can. Hope to hear from you soon!!

Alexcia, hb

By the way my friend thinks your lead signer is hot and wants him bad!!


Yo, man. I was on mp3.com the other day and I downloaded "Lord of the Dead"...fucking kick ass shit! It's so fucking tight that I went out and bought a copy of "Possession". You guys fucking rule, man! Damien has a kick-ass vocal talent that can't be compared by anyone. Not Steven Tyler. Not Phil Anselmo. Not Tom Araya. No one compares to you! Rock on, man! Steve, garden grove

*If anyone is having problems emailing from the above link, try copying and pasting the address in to which ever email program you use and send from there. If no response in 48 hours, try again.*

*Website designed by Tim Terror*